Summary information

Study title

Level of living among immigrants, 1996, interview file


Statistics Norway

Study number / PID (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Level of Living surveys

The concept of "Level of Living" stems from a public research project named the "Level of living survey", initiated by the Bratteli government in the early seventies. Up until 1995, this type of surveys were conducted at intervals of three to four years, to map out the real living conditions for the different population groups and to collect data and information about the population's level of living as a foundation for public policy. The most important points have been: 1) The state of the important aspects of the living conditions, the magnitude of social problems. 2) The distribution of...

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The dataset is derived from the "Level of living among immigrants 1996" survey, commisioned by the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion and conducted by Statistics Norway. The purpose of the survey is to map out the important aspects of the living conditions of different immigration groups and their descendants in Norway. A similar surveys was conducted in 1983 (the research foundation FAFO also carried out two relevant surveys in Oslo in 18993 and 1995), but only including immigrants that weren't Norwegian residents and first and second generatopm immigrants with Norwegian citizenship. In the 1996 survey, both foreign citizens and first and second generation immigrants of Norwegian citizenship were included. The questions included in the survey covers issues such as residence and living conditions, household/family, children, proffession/working conditions, education, bullying/violence, friends/family, leisure activities and membership in different unions and organisations. In order to make it possible to compare the situation for the immigration population with the Norwegian population, a big part of the questionnaire is derived from the Level of Living survey 1995, the Living conditions survey 1995, the Level of Living for long-term unemployed 1991 and the level of living survey for foreign citizens 1983. The survey comprises persons with background from former Yugoslavia, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan. Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Somalia and Chile. The data from the survey are available on two different files, the interview file (N = 2561) and the household file ( N = 9548). The interview file contains the interview based data for immigrants that weren't interviewed, besides additional register data for the respondents, and in some cases for the persons in the respondents' households. This is the interview file. Additional variables: Some variables are derived from the income register. This register is composed by data from several sources: (1) Population...
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Not available


Data collection period

29/03/1996 - 28/07/1996


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



The universe for surveys is mmigrants from eight non-western countries in the age 16-70 years with at least two years residence in Norway. The immigrants are here defined as persons with two foreign-born parents. The countries are Former Yugoslavia (with the exception of Bosnia- Herzegovina), Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Somalia and Chile.

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Not available

Funding information


Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation



Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

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