Summary information

Study title

Anti-microbials in Society - Thailand, Study 2, 2017-2021


Chuengsatiansup, K, Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Center
Chawraingern, S, Thammasat University
Limsawart, W, Society and Health Institute
Urapeepathanapong, T, Society and Health Institute
Chanchamsang, U, Society and Health Institute
Chandler, C, LSHTM

Study number / PID

855072 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-855072 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


The AMIS Project Thailand (Study 2, MOPH) is an anthropological research project aimed at better understanding the role of antimicrobials in daily life in Thai society in diverse contexts and with different actors, including health care providers, farmers, day wage urban workers, scientists and policy-makers. The research focuses on the ways in which antimicrobials enable particular ways of life, livelihoods and institutional practices, and explores the context and the wider motivations for antimicrobial use in Thailand.Our use of antibiotics has escalated. We are often most aware of antibiotic use when we treat infections - for people, and animals. However, their use is more widespread. We use them routinely to reduce risks of infection amongst people with vulnerable immune systems, in farming livestock, to manage infection and to promote growth and even in crop farming. This widespread use is linked to a rise in antibiotic resistance (AMR). The amount of antibiotic chemicals in circulation is held responsible for driving selection pressure amongst bacteria such that some infections become untreatable with previously effective drugs. This can have dramatic consequences for both health and economics. And yet, scientists have emphasised the lack of evidence for using antibiotics in many scenarios. For example, it is estimated that at least 50% of human antibiotic usage has no clinical benefit. Policy makers are agreed that we must reduce our reliance on these medicines. But how? Efforts to change end user behaviour are often called for but thus far have not had the widespread impacts required to curb the emergence and spread of resistance. In this research, we propose that antibiotics are embedded within our socioeconomic infrastructure in such a deep way that attempts simply to change behaviour of patients, physicians of farmers are peripheral to our underlying dependency on their use. We suggest that by understanding the ways in which antibiotics are intertwined...
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Data collection period

01/05/2017 - 31/08/2021



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Ethnographic methods were used in order to gain in depth understandings in each setting. This involved 35 weeks of ethnographic fieldwork (including participant observation and informal interviews) and 53 in depth interviews implemented over a period of 24 months. There were four main research sites/topics: Antimicrobial/AMR policy and implementation; Pig farming; Orange production and consumption and Migrants and TB care. Participants were sampled from each site using convenience, purposive and snowballing techniques. Participants included: pig farmers, AMR policy makers, citrus orchard owners and workers, plant scientists, health care professionals, data entry clerks, TB and other patients, poor urban residents.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service. All requests are subject to the permission of the data owner or his/her nominee. Please email the contact person for this data collection to request permission to access the data, explaining your reason for wanting access to the data, then contact our Access Helpdesk.

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