Summary information

Study title

National Consumer Study in One Hundred Local Authority Old Peoples Homes, 1980


Peace, S. M., Polytechnic of North London, Survey Research Unit
Kellaher, L. M., Polytechnic of North London, Survey Research Unit
Willcocks, D. M., Polytechnic of North London, Survey Research Unit

Study number / PID

2196 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-2196-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aims of the survey were: (a) to assess the reaction of elderly residents in LA Homes to their present environment and to interpret the practical implications this may have for planners and architects; (b) to explore the attitudes of old people to residential care and identify consumer preferences, or aspirations for environmental improvement; (c) to investigate attitudes and experiences of staff and to look at the impact of physical environment of the home on working life; (d) to determine the way in which quality of life may be influenced by a range of factors relating to the physical environment, institutional environment and resident mix (e) to determine the importance of locational factors. An associated qualitative dataset, <i>Consumer Study in Old People's Homes : Four Homes Studied in Detail</i>, is available via Qualidata at the University of Essex.Main Topics:The main variables studied were: (a) Physical environment, e.g. building features, floors, facilities, room sizes, etc. (b) Resident characteristics, e.g. age, sex, mental/physical state, length of stay, reasons for admission, residents' preferences for aspects of the physical environment, measures of well-being, resident views on staff. (c) Staff characteristics, e.g. age, sex, position, reasons for taking job, qualifications, job satisfaction, measures of well-being, preferences for aspects of physical environment, working practice, routines. Nine files of data are held. In addition to the description of the physical environment (2 files) and the resident and staff interviews, others include: (i) Interviewer schedule (questions concerning home atmosphere, answered by interviews; (ii) Population and (iii) Sample files containing information from 872 homes (Population) and 100 homes (Sample) in 29 Local Authority areas (data on number of beds, daycare places, short-stay group living, location, resident...
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Data collection period

01/05/1980 - 01/11/1980



Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Analysis unit

Old people's homes


Local Authority old people's homes and their inmates in England

Sampling procedure

Multi-stage stratified random sample
three stages (local authorities, homes and residents).

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

  The Data Collection is to be made available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access under an Open Government Licence.

Related publications

  • Willcocks, D. and Peace, S. (1986) 'Changing the environment in old people's homes' : HMSO.
  • Ring, A., Willcocks, D., Peace, S. and Kellaher, L. (1982) The residential life of old people: : a study in 100 local authority homes [Research report], : Polytechnic of North London.
  • Ring, A., Peace, S., Kellaher, L. and Willcocks, D. (1982) The residential life of old people: : a study in 100 local authority homes [Research report], : Polytechnic of North London.
  • Willcocks, D. (1984) Consumer research in old people's homes [Research report], London: Research Policy and Planning.
  • Peace, S. (1986) 'The design of residential homes: an historical perspective' , London: HMSO.
  • Willcocks, D. (1986) 'Residential homes as community care: : a future place for old people's homes in the community they serve' : HMSO.
  • Peace, S., Willcocks, D. and Kellaher, L. (1985) Living in homes: : a consumer view of residential alternatives, London: Centre for Environmental and Social Studies in Ageing Polytechnic of North London and British Association of Service to the Elderly.
  • Willcocks, D., Kellaher, L. and Peace, S. (1986) Private lives in public places: : a research-based critique of residential life in local authority old people's homes, London: Tavistock Publications .
  • Kellaher, L., Willcocks, D. and Peace, S. (1982) A balanced life : a consumer study of residential life in 100 local authority homes [Research report], London: Polytechnic of North London.
  • Kellaher, L. (1986) 'Determinants of quality of life in residential settings for old people' , London: HMSO.
  • Peace, S., Willcocks, D. and Kellaher, L. (1983) 'A profile of residential life' : Croom Helm.