Summary information

Study title

Social Networks and Social Capital: the Careers of Political Activists, 2000-2002


Tomlinson, M., University of Manchester, ESRC Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition
Savage, M., University of Sussex, School of Social Sciences
Longhurst, B., University of Salford, Institute for Social, Cultural and Policy Research
Warde, A., University of Manchester, Department of Sociology

Study number / PID

4580 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-4580-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This mixed methods study is one of 21 projects that were commissioned by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as part of its Democracy and Participation Programme. The project involved three components. The first component was to examine the determinants of political involvement and activism in a range of voluntary associations as indicated by the British Household Panel Study. The second component was to carry out questionnaire research on members of four different social movement organisations, namely selected branches of the Labour Party, conservation movement, environmental movement, and a local residents' group in the Manchester area. A postal survey examined the socio-demographic characteristics of members of the case study organisations, and in-depth interviews with members from three organisations (not the residents' association) examined the social networks of members. Here the aim was to examine the extent to which members knew each other, the contexts in which they communicated with other members, and the relationship between intra-organisational networks and other networks of respondents (e.g. based on leisure pursuits, work, etc.) The third phase of the research involved carrying out in-depth interviews with 30 selected activists (29 interviews held at UKDA) from the case study organisation, so allowing the development of activist identities to be examined. The findings permit examination of the nature of social capital in Great Britain by considering how the social networks of members make membership more or less exclusive.Main Topics:The quantitative data were collected from four organisations: a local Labour Party branch; a conservation group; an environmental group; and a residents' group in the North West of England. A postal questionnaire obtained socio-demographic characteristics of members of each organisation ('socdem') and a follow-up face-to-face interview...
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Data collection period

Not available



Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Analysis unit



Members of three/four political organisations in the North West of England during 2000-2002

Sampling procedure

Purposive selection/case studies used for qualitative data (no sampling used for quantitative data)

Kind of data

Semi-structured interview transcripts

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview
Postal survey

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


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