Study title
Political and Social Attitudes in Serbia 2002
Domm, Rory (OSCE Mission to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Belgrad )
Study number / PID
ZA3893, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Attitudes toward political parties, political and cultural
Topics: Satisfaction with democracy; democracy vs. dictatorship;
political systems; speed of reform process; trust in institutions;
information about the work of the National Assembly of Serbia;
information source; Code of Conduct in the National Assembly;
characterising the elected representatives in the National Assembly;
interest in politics; information sources; left-right self placement;
affinity to political parties; voting in 2000 General Election; most
important problems to solve by the government; democratic control over
military; funding political parties; attitudes toward foreigners and
people of another nationality; nationality; national pride; proud to be
a European; affinity to town, region, country, Europe; level of autonomy
given to the region; trust in people from other countries; status of
Kosovo and Metohija; status of the Republic of Srpska; independence of
Serbia; expectations for the year 2003; satisfaction with life;
attention to the news in various fields; cooperation with other
countries; EU membership; NATO membership; women in politics; equal
rights of men and women; women's movement; leaving the country; social
class self placement; religion; equipment of the household.