Summary information

Study title

TAPS Study of Long-term Non-demented Patients, 1985-1998


Trieman, N., Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, TAPS Research Unit
Leff, J., Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, TAPS Research Unit

Study number / PID

4109 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-4109-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.TAPS was established by the North East Thames Regional Health Authority (NETRHA) to evaluate their policy of closing two of the region's six psychiatric hospitals, Friern and Claybury, and replacing them with district-based services. The main aim of the project was to determine whether the quality of life for long-stay patients discharged to community homes was better in the psychiatric hospital or in the community. This entailed assessing suitable patients while they were in Friern and Claybury hospitals, both scheduled for closure over a ten-year period. The patients were then re-assessed one year and five years after discharge from hospital, using a batch of eight schedules covering a wide variety of aspects of quality of life. During the process of the reposition of services, NETRHA announced that it had insufficient funds to close both hospitals at the same time. Consequently the Claybury research programme was halted and TAPS ceased to study the Claybury patients after the fifth year of discharges. As a result, the study sample includes the total residual long-stay population of Friern Hospital as it was in 1985, and 200 long-stay patients from Claybury Hospital. Insofar as these patients are representative of long-stay populations, the findings of the study should inform the national policy on de-institutionalisation. Please see documentation for further details. More information about the project may be found on the TAPS website at: <a href=></a> .Main Topics:A battery of instruments was used to compare the patients' quality of life in hospital and in the community. These included: present state examination, basic everyday living skills, environmental index, patient attitude questionnaire (hospital and community versions), physical health index, personal data and psychiatric history...
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Data collection period

Not available



Time dimension

patients were surveyed one year and five years after discharge from Friern and Claybury hospitals.

Analysis unit

Psychiatric patients


Psychiatric patients, in hospital and in the community, in the area covered by the North East Thames Regional Health Authority (Bloomsbury; East Haringey; Enfield; Hampstead; Islington; Redbridge; Waltham Forest; West Essex; West Haringey), who had been admitted to Friern and Claybury psychiatric hospitals, had stayed there for more than one year and were not suffering from Alzheimer's dementia, during the period 1985-1998.

Sampling procedure

No sampling (total universe)

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview
using computerised versions of the schedules.

Funding information

Grant number

Department of Health/ North Thames R &amp

Grant number

D: JR1260626



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.

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