Study title
Incidence and Problems of Non-Marital Long-Term Relationships (Married People)
Study number / PID
ZA1558, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
The family situation in long-term marital relationships.
Topics: significance of religion and religiousness; most frequent
leisure partner; arrangement of financial relationships between
partners; general judgement on partner relation (scale); problems and
difficulties in marriage; factors influencing a good partner relation
(scale); general judgement on marriages and non-marital partner
relations in one´s own circle of friends; strength of ties with
previous partnerships and possible problems in separation; general as
well as personal advantages and disadvantages of a non-marital
long-term relationship and of marriage (scale); children from personal
earlier partnership relations or from marriage; intra-family division
of household activities and decision-making responsibilities.
Demography: age; sex; marital status; number of children; ages of
children (classified); religious denomination; school education;
occupational position; employment in the civil service; employment;
income; household income; size of household; respondent is head of
household; characteristics of head of household; respondent is person
managing household; number of persons in household with their own
income; residential status; having a yard; smoker; trips by airplane;
unemployment; possession of a telephone; leisure activities; possession
of videorecorder; possession of means of transportation; possession of
credit card or check card; possession of a building loan contract.
Interviewer rating: city size; state.
Also encoded was: ZIP (postal) code.