Study title
Senior Year Longitudinal Section (Panel 1969-1978)
Zentrum I Bildungsforschung, Universität Konstanz
Study number / PID
ZA0979, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
The socialization and development of attitudes relevant to occupation of high school graduates in the course of later studies.
Topics: Most of the scales or tests in part repeated on every wave have been collected in the form of indices.
The following questionnaires were used: statistics questionnaire on determination of demography; questionnaire on choice of occupation, on learning conditions and on recording the environment at college; Constance Questionnaire for school and education facilities (KSD); questionnaire on directive attitude and questionnaire on recording of Machiavellianism and Conservatism; differential interest test; questionnaire on occupational self-respect; questionnaire on judgement on the occupation career of academics.
Demography: age; sex; marital status; number of children; age and number of siblings; position in sibling sequence; religious denomination; school education; occupation; employment; social origins; regional origins; present and past offices held; memberships; military service.