Study title
RepResent Longitudinal and Cross-sectional electoral survey 2019
Study number / PID
doi:10.17026/dans-xe8-7t78 (DOI)
easy-dataset:163008 (DANS-KNAW)
Data access
Information not available
This data deposit contains two surveys, organised by the FWO/FNRS Excellence of Science Consortium RepResent (Representation and Democratic Resentment) in the context of the 2019 general elections in Belgium. The RepResent project aims to understand how three forms of representations - substantive, procedural and symbolic - affect democratic resentment amongst the public. It brings together scholars from five Belgian universities, including University of Antwerp, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, KU Leuven, UCLouvain, and Université Libre de Bruxelles. For more information on the project, visit
The first dataset is the longitudinal dataset which contains survey data from a CAWI survey amongst representative samples of Flemish, Walloon and Brussels citizens. Respondents in this survey were surveyed twice, once before the elections, and once again immediately after the elections. In total, the wave 1 sample comprises N=7,351 respondents (3,298 in Flanders, 3,025 in Wallonia, and 1,028 in Brussels), whereas the wave 2 sample comprises N=3,917 respondents (1,978 in Flanders, 1,429 in Wallonia, and 510 in Brussels).
The second dataset is a cross sectional CAWI survey amongst Flemish (N=1,012) and Walloon (N=1,024) citizens that was organised immediately after the elections.
The deposit contains STATA and SPSS versions of each dataset, as well as accompanying codebooks that outline the field work, samples, and full questionnaires.
Data collection period
Not availableCountry
Time dimension
Not availableAnalysis unit
Not availableUniverse
Not availableSampling procedure
Not availableKind of data
Not availableData collection mode
Not availableAccess
DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Publication year