Summary information

Study title

British Local Election Database, 1889-2003


Ware, L., University of Plymouth, Social Research and Regeneration Unit
Rallings, C., Plymouth Polytechnic, Department of Social and Political Studies
Thrasher, M., Plymouth Polytechnic, Department of Social and Political Studies

Study number / PID

5319 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-5319-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This project has established a unique database of local elections results in Great Britain. The database contains data for the period of the twentieth century before wholesale local government reorganisation in 1973. It also links the existing English, Welsh and Scottish local election databases. Until now, these results had never been collated together, let alone transformed into machine-readable form. Main Topics:The part of the database comprising the twentieth century before wholesale local government reorganisation in 1973 was funded by the AHRB and contains ca.50,000 election results. These cover mainly urban areas, including English, Welsh and Scottish county boroughs between 1911 and 1972 and all London area contests in the period 1889-1971. In detail these are: County Borough Council, first year: 1911, last year: 1972, number of cases: 35678 County Council, first year: 1958, last year: 1970, number of cases: 5270 Greater London Council: first year: 1964, last year: 1970, number of cases: 96 London Borough Council: first year: 1900, last year: 1971, number of cases: 7361 London County Council: first year: 1889, last year: 1961, number of cases: 1214 The second part of the database which updates and links the existing English, Welsh and Scottish local election databases was funded by the ESRC and contains in excess of 150,000 individual local election results. In detail these are: County Council: first year: 1973, last year: 2001, number of cases: 27663 District Council: first year: 1973, last year: 2003, number of cases: 87066 Greater London Council: first year: 1973, last year: 1981, number of cases: 276 London Borough Council: first year: 1974, last year: 2002, number of cases: 5827 Metropolitan Borough Council: first year: 1973, last year: 2003, number of cases: 18995 Metropolitan County Council: first year: 1973, last year: 1981, number of cases: 1641 Unitary Authority: first...
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Data collection period

Not available


England, Scotland, Wales

Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Analysis unit

Administrative units (geographical/political)


Election Results for England, Wales and Scotland between 1889 and 2003

Sampling procedure

No sampling (total universe)

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Compilation or synthesis of existing material

Funding information

Grant number


Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.

Related publications

  • Rallings, C. and Thrasher, M. (2004) Local Elections in Britain: A Statistical Digest: LGC Elections Centre.