As a tool to understand bioeconomical change in Norway BioSmart will use a transition theoretical framwork, that looks at what can bring changes in the bioeconomy. This contributes to a number of general principals, patterns and processes, which are transferable across different areas, sectors and disciplines. As mentioned there exists a number of common concepts across transition theory, such as path-dependece, lock-in/synchronization effects, system memory, etc. (Lackman, 2013). The transition approach enables a mapping and understanding of complex interactions between technological systems and society, and to identify how to address lock-in effects in all forms (structural, economical, socio-psychological - Wilson, 2013). The results from this work-package deals with "Transitions in bioeconomical value chains". Output from this work-packagge is casestudies. This registration is interviews in relation to the casestudy about the development of salmon feed.
These interviews formed one of the data sources for the public available article: The Weak Sustainability of the Salmon Feed Transition in Norway – A Bioeconomic Case Study, accessible here: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2019.00764/full The dataalso contributed also to the book chapter: Forbord, M. og Hansen, L. (2019) «Hvordan kan vi endre? Et spørsmål om transisjon». I: Burton, R., M. Forbord, M.-B. Ellingsen og E. M. Fuglestad (under publication). Etter oljen: Vår bioøkonomiske fremtid. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.