Summary information

Study title

New Deal for Young People : National Survey of Participants, Stage 1, 1999


Policy Studies Institute
Department for Education and Employment, Employment Service

Study number / PID

4414 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-4414-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

This study is the first stage of a two-stage quantitative survey looking at the impact of the <i>New Deal for Young People</i> (NDYP) on participants (the other part of the survey is not yet held at UKDA).
The two overarching objectives of the research were to look at how the various components of the programme helped young unemployed people into jobs and increased their long term employability. The first part of the research aimed to:
collect attitudinal data on work motivation, orientation and aspiration, as well as jobsearch behaviour;
collect information on earnings for those in employment;
establish benchmark measures for employability to be used in the more detailed Stage 2 research.
Main Topics:

The dataset contains demographic details, information on <i>New Deal</i> history, participants' experiences and views of the programme so far, experiences of training, jobsearch behaviour, attitudinal measures related to job motivation, educational history, and recent employment history.

Standard Measures
Likert Scale for attitudinal questions
1-9 scale for statement agreement
Social Classification.


Data collection period

26/02/1999 - 17/07/1999


Great Britain

Time dimension

Repeated cross-sectional study
this study is the first stage of a two-stage survey of NDYP participants - the second stage of the survey is not yet held at UKDA.

Analysis unit

Young people


Persons aged 18-24 years who had started NDYP between September and November 1998 (i.e. a minimum of six months after NDYP became a national programme in April 1998), at the time of fieldwork in 1999.

Sampling procedure

One-stage stratified or systematic random sample
random sample of entrants within a three month cohort period.

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Commercial use is not permitted.

Access is limited to users based in the UK and the data cannot be accessed outside of the UK.

Related publications

  • White, M., Bryson, A. and Knight, G. (2000) New Deal for Young People:: National Survey of Participants, Stage 1 [Research report], (Employment Service Research and Development Report), Sheffield, UK: Employment Service.