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Living Spaces - Public Opinion Survey of the BBR 1993
Böltken, Ferdinand (Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR), Bonn )
Meyer, Katrin (Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR), Bonn )
Neußer, Wolfgang (Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR), Bonn )
Sturm, Gabriele (Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR), Bonn )
Waltersbacher, Matthias (Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR), Bonn )
Study number / PID
ZA5113, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
10.4232/1.5113 (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
Not available
Housing and residential status. Residential area and social structure. Mobility and economic situation. Employment. Election decision and participation.
Topics: 1. Housing and residential status: size of place (degree of urbanisation); location; duration of residence; satisfaction with the place of residence; duration of residence in the apartment; distance before moving into the current apartment; previous place of residence; previous location; residential status of the previous apartment and reasons for moving; main reason for moving; current apartment itself sought, obtained by exchange or assignment; residential status of the current apartment; social housing; owner of the apartment; only one family in the house or several households; rent amount; rent including costs for heating and hot water; amount of the flat rate for heating and hot water; average costs for heating and hot water and payment period; rent includes modernization levy; amount of the modernization levy in total or per sqm; adequacy of rental costs; receipt of housing allowance; amount of monthly housing allowance; living space; number of rooms; assessment of the apartment size; apartment equipment; apartment equipment corresponds to the needs; year of construction of the house; assessment of the structural condition of the house; satisfaction with the apartment.
2. Residential area and social structure: satisfaction with the immediate residential environment; satisfaction with the environmental conditions in the residential environment; relationship with neighbours; social structure: foreigners in the residential environment; percentage of foreigners in the residential environment; assessment of the relationship between foreigners and Germans in the residential environment; attitude towards the spatial separation of Germans and foreigners; personal contacts with foreigners in the family, at work, in the neighbourhood or among friends and acquaintances.
3. Mobility: intention to move;...
Many but not all metadata providers use ELSST Thesaurus for their keywords.
Not available
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
02/10/1993 - 23/12/1993
Time dimension
Not available
Analysis unit
Not available
Not available
Sampling procedure
Probability Sample: Multistage Sample
Kind of data
Not available
Data collection mode
Face-to-face interview: PAPI (Paper and Pencil Interview)
GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences
Publication year
Terms of data access
A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.