Summary information

Study title

The development of Germany’s mechanical engineering industry in the period between 1850 and 1870.


Becker, Walter

Study number / PID

ZA8439, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.10299 (DOI)

Data access

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In the framework of this study the priority investigator Becker explores an important period of the German engineering industry’s economic development during the industrial revolution in the 19th century. During the period of investigation the industrial revolution made rapid progress in Germany. Extensive capital investments and the advancing division of labor resulted in the rapid expansion of the internal market on the basis of the means of production. Within the market of capital equipment the development of the demand for machines played a decisive role. The extension of the machine market was closely connected with as well as caused by the entire capitalist development of Germany. The detailed representation of the internal market for the machinery industry is the priority in Becker’s work, because it is the basis for the analysis of the development of mass-produced machinery. The investigation is into five parts: I. The industrial revolution in the 19th Century’s fifties and sixties and the development of Germany’s internal and external market of the engineering industry. II. Growth of the engineering industry. III. The advances in production technology associated with the emergence and development of the independent machine tool manufacture. IV. Structural changes in the mechanical engineering industry. V. The mechanical engineering industrial proletariat. Datatables in the serch- and downloadsystem HISTAT (Topic: Production: mining, manufacturing sector, industry): A. Tables in the appendix A.01 Einfuhr, Ausfuhr und Verbrauch von Eisen im Zollverein, in Tonnen (1851-1871) (= emport, export and consumption of iron in the tariff union, in tons) A.02 Anzahl der Maschinenfabriken im Zollverein (1846-1875) (= Number of machine factories in the tariff union) A.03 Einfuhr von groben Eisen- und Gusswaren in den Zollverein (1854-1871) (= import of raw iron and moldings made from cast iron) A.04 Ein- und Ausfuhr sowie Durchfuhr von Maschinen im Zollverein...
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Data collection period

1850 - 1870


Time dimension

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Analysis unit

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Sampling procedure

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Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Sources:German central archive, department Merseburg; Archive of the city “Karl-Marx-Stadt; the saxon state archive in Dresden.Honorary publications and anniversary publications; periodicals and reports (especially annual reports of selected chambers of trade).Data of scientific research literature.



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


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A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.

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