Summary information

Study title

Geopolitical Orientations (European Union, Union with Russia, NATO): Monitoring of Public Opinion in Ukraine (2005-2022)


Paniotto, Volodymyr (Kyiv International Institute of Sociology)
Sakhno, Julia (Kyiv International Institute of Sociology)
Zhmurko, Olga (Sociologický ústav Akademie věd)

Study number / PID

doi:10.14473/CSDA/3UGMXR (DOI)

KIIS00003 (CSDA)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


KIIS monitors the geopolitical preferences of the Ukrainian population by asking respondents about their readiness to act in a certain way (vote for, against, or not to participate in the vote) in a hypothetical situation, namely, if a referendum on Ukraine's accession to the European Union, NATO, the Union with Russia and Belarus, or the Customs Union (with Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan) were held now. In addition to these questions, some polls also ask respondents which direction of foreign policy they consider more preferable, with the options "accession to the European Union", "accession to the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan" and "not joining either the European Union or the Customs Union". This wording of the question enables evaluating the broader attitudes of the population regarding the geopolitical direction without requiring a definitive choice (such as voting for or against a specific option). Each survey wave was carried out on a sample representative of Ukraine's adult population (aged 18 and older), with an average sample size of about 2,000 respondents. In order to facilitate the analysis, the data collected for the period 2005-2022 was combined into one data set, including 31 polls with a total of 62,911 respondents. The background information includes respondents' socio-demographic profiles (gender, age, education, nationality, occupation, self-assessment of financial situation) and place of residence (oblast, type of settlement). These data enable tracking Ukrainian public opinion on the desired course of the Ukraine's foreign policy for the period of 17 years, from 2005 to 2022, both among the population as a whole and among its different subpopulations.


Data collection period

2005 - 2022



Time dimension

Trend survey (repeated cross-sectional survey)

Analysis unit



Persons 18 years of age and older in Ukraine

Sampling procedure

Probability sampling

Kind of data

Survey data

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview; Computer-assisted telephone interview



Czech Social Science Data Archive

Publication year

Not available

Terms of data access

Not available

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Not available