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Emergent Everyday Ethics in Infrastructures for Smart Care, 2021-2022
Hine, C, University of Surrey
Study number / PID
856529 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-856529 (DOI)
Data access
Not available
New smart technologies offer great promise to improve care for people living with long-term conditions such as dementia and enable them to live in their own homes for longer. Engineers work with healthcare professionals, patients and carers to develop technologies to monitor wellbeing and support people. Significant ethical challenges can arise, however, as decisions are made about what features the technology should contain, who has access to data collected by monitoring devices and what actions should be taken in response. Such situation offer an opportunity to explore how the ethical qualities of artificial intelligence emerge and are managed within a broader socio-technical infrastructure. The dataset comprises transcripts of interviews with engineers, healthcare professionals, carers and patients who are involved in development of smart technologies for care settings. The interviews explored from each participants’ perspective their experience of the opportunities and challenges of smart care, including when and how they become aware of ethical challenges, how they distinguish the ethical challenges from other kinds of issue such as a technical hitch or a misunderstanding, and how they deal with the various kinds of issue to negotiate acceptable outcomes. Interviews also explored with participants their understanding of principles of ethical artificial intelligence (beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, justice and explainability) as applied to smart care. Each interviewee was offered two short follow up interviews. In total the dataset comprises interviews with 14 pairs of service users and carers, 12 researchers and developers and 4 healthcare professionals . Across the interviews, different ways of understanding and acting on ethical challenges were found, involving diverse forms of expertise. The research demonstrates that ethics are a collective socio-technical achievement rather than something intrinsically embedded in the technology itself. The...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
08/06/2021 - 26/07/2022
United Kingdom
Time dimension
Not available
Analysis unit
Not available
Sampling procedure
Not available
Kind of data
Data collection mode
Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with researchers and developers, healthcare professionals, service users and carers, all involved in the development or deployment of in-home remote monitoring for people living with long term conditions such as dementia. Interviews for each group covered the same territory of discussions around the experiences of smart care and the opportunities and challenges faced, followed by a discussion of the ethical principles of artificial intelligence as they apply to smart care. Materials were adjusted for accessibility to each group. Interviews were conducted via Microsoft Teams for researchers and developers and healthcare professionals. Service users and carers were interviewed in pairs and offered either a home visit or a Zoom call. All interviewees were offered two short follow up interviews to discuss arising issues following the first interview. Sampling was focused around a smart care initiative, with healthcare professionals and service users and carers recruited via the NHS Trust involved in the initiative and researchers and developers via the University research centre conducting the research. Additional interviewees were recruited via direct contact by the researcher based on their expertise within the research and development field of smart care.
Funding information
Grant number
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service. All requests are subject to the permission of the data owner or his/her nominee. Please email the contact person for this data collection to request permission to access the data, explaining your reason for wanting access to the data, then contact our Access Helpdesk.