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This study aims at an empirical verification of the historical importance of the German railways on the basis of new quantitative data with respect to the development of the transport system. In this process, older sources which had been widely neglected have been utilised and regrouped.
Within the scope of a leading sector analysis, this study focuses on the mechanism of a continuos industrialisation within the railway sector using the example of Germany. Thereby the theoretical conceptions concerning the economic growth constitute a suitable analytic frame to derive the systematic background for the collection and presentation of the quantitative data materials on the German railway sector. In this respect, the choice of quantifying variables aims at a selective verification of relevant facts in connection with growth-related theories. In conclusion, the author explains the Industrial Revolution in Germany as a growth process fuelled by individual sectors.
“The highest aim should consist in a synthesis of economic theories and history in order to allow historians, on the other hand, to gain a deeper insight into the course of the Industrial Revolution in Germany resulting from explicit research objectives and hypotheses; on the other hand, a thorough re-examination of certain hypothesises which have not been proved empirically should enable and incite theoretical researchers studying national economies to deliver newly revised analyses in this field.” (Fremdling [1985], S. 1).
By means of a connection between explicit questions and hypotheses gained from economic theory and the above-named systematically compiled data, this study examines the contribution of the railway sector to the industrialisation of Germany, e.g. the importance of the passenger traffic, the enormous expansion of the railway net in the course of the 1840s, and the strong impact of the railway industry on the national economy. Indeed, these factors resulted in the fact that –...
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Data collection period
1840 - 1879
Time dimension
Not available
Analysis unit
Not available
Not available
Sampling procedure
Not available
Kind of data
Not available
Data collection mode
Sources: 840-1849: Statistical News about the Prussian Railways (“Statistische Nachrichten von den Preußischen Eisenbahnen”); re-edited by the Technical Railway Office of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Public Works (“Technisches Eisenbahn-Büreau des Ministeriums für Handel, Gewerbe und öffentliche Arbeiten”). Vol. 1., Berlin 1855. Reden, Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von, The German Railway Companies. Statistical and Historical Overview of their Origin, Relation to the Government, and the related Administrative and Operational Institutions. Berlin/Posen/Bromberg 1843-1847. Railway Journal (“Eisenbahnzeitung”). Ed. Heinrich Meyer. Annual ed. 1-2. Braunschweig 1943-1844. From 1844 Ed. Carl Etzel and Ludwig Klein. Annual ed. 3-17. Stuttgart 1845-1859. Michaelis, Julius., Germany’s Railways. 2. ed., Leipzig 1859. Beil, J.A., Condition and Results of the German, American, British, French, Belgian, Dutch, Italian, and Russian Railway Systems until 1843. Frankfurt 1844. Beil, J.A., Condition and Results of the European and American Railways until 1847. Vienna 1847. The German Railways and their Development between 1835-1935. Berlin 1935. Variuos single publications: Historical and statistical overviews on the development of the railways; Memoranda. 1850-1879: Statistical News about the Prussian Railways (“Statistische Nachrichten von den Preußischen Eisenbahnen”); re-edited by the Technical Railway Bureau of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Public Works (“Technisches Eisenbahn-Büreau des Ministeriums für Handel, Gewerbe und öffentliche Arbeiten”). Vol. 1-27. Berlin 1855-1880. German railway statistics for the operating year (1850-1880). Compilation by the Managing Directorate of the Association of German Railway Administrations (“Geschäftsführende Direction des Vereins Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwaltungen”). Statististical News about the railways supervised by the Association of German Railway Administrations (“Verein Deutscher Eisenbahnverwaltungen”). Ed. by the Managing Directorate of the Association. 1880-1913: Statistics on the German Railways in operation (ed. by the German Railway Authorities/“Reichs-Eisenbahn-Amt”). Vol. I et sqq., operating year 1880 (1881 et sqq. Berlin 1882 et sqq.) Statistical Handbook for the German Reich (“Statisches Handbuch für das Deutsche Reich”), Part 1. Berlin 1907. Statistical Yearbook for the German Reich (“Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Deutsche Reich”), Annual ed. 36. Berlin 1915. Statistics of the Association of German Railway Administrations (“Verein Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwaltungen”).
GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences
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