Study title
The Sociology of Resistance against National Socialism: The Example of Duesseldorf 1933 to 1945
Mann, Reinhard (Institut für angewandte Sozialforschung, Universität zu Köln )
Study number / PID
ZA8001, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Research on resistance under National Socialism with the example
of diverse forms of deviation from the national socialist system
of norms in daily life by the ´small man´.
Topics: a) Types of divergent behavior in a totalitarian political
system, social and ecological determinants for individual
protest behavior and collective resistance against such a
system, the population´s reporting behavior (especially
denunciation with the Gestapo) and the gathering of information
by the controlling authority (especially the Gestapo and the
security service of the SS), political penetration of national
socialism into daily life and the maintenance of traditional
b) Variables on people and their environment, on
the type of act or suspicion, on the way the crime or people
were brought to the attention of the Gestapo and on witnesses
interviewed, on the definition of facts and sanctions against
the person by the Gestapo and the courts, on the way the crime
was committed and on sanctions.