Summary information

Study title

Validation of instruments for measuring individual differences in self-regulated learning, 2019


Depolli Steiner, Katja (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts)
Komidar, Luka (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts)
Pečjak, Sonja (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts)
Pirc, Tina (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts)
Podlesek, Anja (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts)
Puklek Levpušček, Melita (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts)
Gril, Alenka (Educational Research Institute)
Bohak, Ciril (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science)
Kavčič, Alenka (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science)
Lesar, Žiga (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science)
Marolt, Matija (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science)
Pesek, Matevž (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science)
Boh Podgornik, Bojana (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering)
Hladnik, Aleš (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering)
Peklaj, Cirila (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts)

Study number / PID



Data access

Information not available


Not available


The purpose of the research was to develop tools for determining differences between pupils in knowledge about the strategies they use in individual learning and about their actual use. Aim of the pilot study was to adapt and/or develop instruments to measure the individual characteristics of pupils in self-regulated learning. Instruments to identify cognitive, meta-cognitive, and emotional-motivational processes that constitute self-regulation were tested. Slovenian pupils who attended the 9th grade of elementary school in the 2018/2019 school year participated in the study. The translated and adapted questionnaire "Children's Perceived use of Self-Regulated Learning Inventory" (CP-SRLI; Vandevelde, Van Keer and Rosseel, 2013) was used, which asks pupils about their use of different strategies when working for school. The Slovenian version of the questionnaire used in this pilot study included 15 scales from nine domains. All participants of the pilot study participated in this part. Two other tools to measure meta-cognitive knowledge in an e-learning environment were also developed. The first tool contains an open-ended question about how one learns when mastering such a topic (e-learning unit). The second tool is a closed-ended questionnaire asking pupils about the effectiveness of the eight cognitive strategies offered when learning with e-materials (five-point scale). On each of the instruments answered half of the participants in the pilot study. Pilot study was conducted within the framework of the project »Effectiveness of different types of scaffolding in self-regulated e-learning«, which was followed by the execution of the main study (ADP - IDNo: PMSEUG20) using the developed instruments. For a correct understanding of the questionnaires and interpretation of the data, we suggest that you look at the following documents among the accompanying materials: 1) Opis spremenljivk v bazi podatkov (Variable description in database) and 2) Navodila za...
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Data collection period

03/2019 - 04/2019



Time dimension


Analysis unit



9th grade elementary school pupils

Sampling procedure

Non-probability: Availability

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Paper

Funding information

Grant number




University of Ljubljana, Slovenian Social Science Data Archives

Publication year


Terms of data access

The data is accessible for scientific purposes only and licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution + NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence. Users may use the data only for the purposes stated in the registration form and in accordance with professional codes of ethics. Users expressly agree to maintain the confidentiality of the data and to conduct analyses without attempting to identify the individuals and institutions covered by the materials.