Summary information

Study title

Italian Labour Force Survey - Annual file (2014)



Study number / PID

SN137 (UniData)

Data access

Information not available


RFL - Labour Force Survey

The Italian Labour Force Survey is one of the major surveys carried out on national territory on the evolution of the Italian labour market. The survey - in addition to detecting the number of employed and unemployed persons, and their distribution in different productive sectors - also collects information on the general working conditions (nature of contracts, skill levels, safety conditions, etc ...). The official evaluations of the main aggregates of the job offer are produced and disseminated monthly at the national level and on a quarterly basis at the regional level; every year...

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The Italian Labour Force Survey is the main source of statistical information on the Italian labor market. The information gathered from the population constitutes the basis on which official estimations of employment and unemployment are calculated, as well as information on the main job’s issues - occupation, sector of economic activity, hours worked, contracts’ type and duration, training. The survey data are used to analyze a number of individual, family and social factors too, such as the increasing labor mobility, changing professions, the growth in female participation, etc.., which determine the difference in labor participation of population. This database is the result of the union of the four quarterly datasets for the year 2014. In this way it is possible to calculate the annual estimations at the national, macro-regional and regional levels. The documentation available in this page refers to the survey conducted in the first quarter. For more information, please refer to the pages of the individual quarterly surveys of 2014: - Italian Labour Force Survey – January (2014) - Italian Labour Force Survey – April (2014) - Italian Labour Force Survey – July (2014) - Italian Labour Force Survey – October (2014)


Data collection period

01/01/2014 - 31/03/2014



Time dimension

longitudinal (panel)

Analysis unit



whole national population

Sampling procedure

64.621 families, 382.989 individuals. Two-stage stratified random sample

Kind of data

individual data

Data collection mode

Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI)
Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI)



UniData - Bicocca Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

ISTAT data are released in according to Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Licence, available here. The redistribution to the third party, even in partial form, of data available to UniData members only is not allowed.

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