Study title
Energy Attitudes of the Finns 1997
Study number / PID
FSD1310 (FSD)
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD1310 (URN)
10.60686/t-fsd1310 (DOI)
Data access
Energy Attitudes of the Finns 1983-2011
The survey series was launched in 1983 at the University of Tampere, and was initially financed by the energy company Imatran Voima (later known as the Fortum Corporation). Finnish public opinion on energy policy issues was studied by annual mail surveys. Comparative data allow detailed empirical analysis and systematic follow-up of citizen perceptions, opinions, beliefs, knowledge, values, and attitudes on these matters. The surveys were carried out by Yhdyskuntatutkimus and jointly produced by the Fortum Corporation (Imatran Voima until 1998) and Teollisuuden Voima (TVO). The Finnish...
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Data collection period
20/10/1997 - 16/12/1997
Time dimension
Analysis unit
People aged 18-70 living in Finland
Excludes: the Åland Islands
Sampling procedure
Kind of data
Data collection mode
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
Publication year
Terms of data access
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