Study title
Sustainable citizenship 2009
Micheletti, Michele (Department of Political Science, Stockholm University)
Study number / PID (DOI)
The objective of sustainable development will require active participation from the citizens, and from this perspective the private consumption has come into focus. The experience of consumption and sustainable development has this far been a disappointment. The individual’s consumption habits and preferences are difficult to change, as well as localizing shopping malls in the outskirts of cities and increasing the reliance of cars. There are a lot of different barriers which could be an obstacle for the principles of a sustainable development to have an impact on the private consumption behaviour. The study “Sustainable Citizenship 2009” focuses on how the Swedish citizens of today consider their own role as consumers in the context of the principles of sustainable development. This makes it possible to analyse which role knowledge and value has on the consumptions possibilities and obstacles to contribute to a sustainable development. “Sustainable Citizenship” deals specifically about how citizens use and value information, and about personal responsibility for sustainable development.
To contribute with new knowledge about the obstacles and possibilities which affect how Swedish citizens could act in a sustainable way.