Study title
State Election in Lower Saxony 1998 (Pre-Election Survey)
Study number / PID
ZA2986, Version 2.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Judgement on parties and politicians in Lower Saxony. Topics: most
important problems in Lower Saxony; most able party in Lower Saxony;
interest in the election campaign; party with the best election
campaign; best candidate presentation at place of residence; expected
increase in votes or loss of votes for the SPD, CDU as well as the
Greens in the coming state parliament election; expectation that the
FDP will take seats in the state parliament; preference for prime
minister; preference for federal chancellor; preference for federal
chancellor in case of Schroeder instead of Lafontaine as candidate for
chancellor; preference for Schroeder as candidate for chancellor or
prime minister in Lower Saxony; intent to participate in the next state
parliament election; certainty of one´s voting decision; voting intent;
behavior at the polls among absentee voters; party preference in case
of Federal Parliament elections; influence of federal politics on the
state parliament election; behavior at the polls in the last state
parliament election and at the last Federal Parliament election; able
to vote for right-wing radical parties. Demography: sex; year of birth;
employment; professional position; school degree.
Also encoded was: place of survey; city size; survey week.