Summary information

Study title

Multiscopo ISTAT - Time Use (2013-2014)



Study number / PID

SN184 (UniData)

Data access

Information not available


UDT - Time Use

The Time Use survey is part of an integrated system of social surveys (Multiscopo Surveys on Households) and it is an important instrument in order to observe the daily time organization of household's components. The main feature of this survey is the drawing up of a daily diary with the subdivision of the 24 hours in 144 sections of 10 minutes each. Every section is filled out with information on daily activities of interviewed, like transfers and hangout places with friends. Therefore, the information collected are very detailed as compared with traditional questionnaires. The survey...

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The survey Time Use is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT. It's an important observation instrument for understandin how people organize their daily life and the relations between the daily routine of the various family's members. In fact, the main feature of this survey is that you can learn about the way in which each respondent allocates the 24 hours (divided into 144 intervals of 10 minutes) between the various daily activities, transfers, places visited and the people she has spent with. It is a question that has an extremely high level of detail, which is not comparable with the information obtained by the traditional questionnaires with fixed questions. Three types of files are available: - the individual file consists of a record for each individual component of the family. It contains a series of respondent's general information, such as personal data, education, family networks, religious participation, the working environment and the use of leisure time. - the daily diary file contains every episode that appears in the daily diary. An episode is a set of 10-minute intervals just alike for all detected information (type of main and secondary activity, place/transportation where it is carried out, persons present during the activity). If one of these information change, the episode changes too so, consequently, it can have a variable duration. The classification, at the most general level, includes the following activities: - self care; - work; - education, studying; - housekeeping and family care; - voluntary work, social and religious participation; - social life, enterteinment, vita sociale, divertimenti, cultural activities and rest; - sports and outdoor activities; - arts, hobbies, games; - mass media; - transfers and travels, special codes. Similarly locations where the activity takes place and transports used were classified. In the final part of the questionnaire are located a few questions about the individual's...
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Data collection period

01/11/2013 - 31/10/2014



Time dimension

longitudinal (trend repeated cross-section)

Analysis unit

time unit


residents in Italy

Sampling procedure

44.866 individuals, 19.093 families. Cluster stratified sample

Kind of data

individual data

Data collection mode

face to face interview
self-administered questionnaire



UniData - Bicocca Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

ISTAT data are released in according to Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Licence, available here. The redistribution to the third party, even in partial form, of data available to UniData members only is not allowed.