Summary information

Study title

Finnish Youth Survey 1995


Ministry of Labour
Ministry of Education. Advisory Council for Youth Affairs

Study number / PID

FSD2521 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2521 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd2521 (DOI)

Data access



Finnish Youth Surveys

Advisory Council for Youth Affairs (Nuora), nowadays called the State Youth Council, started to produce Youth Surveys in 1994. This survey series charts attitudes and expectations of Finnish young people aged 15 - 29. Each survey contains both current questions and recurring questions which are repeated over time, enabling the study of long-term attitude changes. The main themes include attitudes to education, working life, social security, spending, drug use, and young people's willingness to participate in order to influence decision-making.


The main themes of the 1995 youth survey were employment, unemployment and national identity. The respondents were asked whether they were studying at that moment and whether they were satisfied with their education in terms of gaining employment. Those in employment were asked about their job contract and whether the job was commensurate with their qualifications. The unemployed or the laid-off were asked about the spells and duration of unemployment and willingness to participate in a youth workshop. The respondents were asked to what extent they agreed with a number of statements relating to Finnish society, employment opportunities, unemployment benefits, employment situation, and means of increasing employment opportunities (for instance, did education significantly improved one's chances of getting a job, whether young people could be paid a lower wage, whether Finland should have more immigrants). Finally, the young respondents were queried about objects or sources of national pride. They were asked to what extent they thought Finns should be proud of certain things, such as sports achievements, Finnish social security system, design and architecture, art and music, and Finnishness. Another question probed opinions on the characteristics of a typical Finn (selfishness, tolerance, envy, violence, diligence etc). Future plans were charted by asking whether the respondents planned to work or study abroad, set up a business or acquire vocational education within the next five years. Since 1995, 17 - 29 year-old-women have had the option of voluntary military service in Finland. Female respondents were asked whether they intended to enter voluntary military service. Background variables included the respondent's age, gender, basic education, vocational education, economic activity, and municipality of residence.


Data collection period

20/03/1995 - 31/03/1995



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit



Young Finnish-speaking people aged 15 - 29 living in Finland

Excludes: the Åland Islands

Sampling procedure

Probability: Stratified

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Telephone interview



Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

Related publications

  • Saarela, Pekka (1995). Nuorisobarometri 1995. Helsinki: Työministeriö, Valtion nuorisoneuvosto.
  • Mäkinen, Jaakko (2017). Miten tähdeksi kasvetaan? Lapsuus ja nuoruus suomalaisten jalkapallotähtien elämäkerroissa 1995-2015. Turku: Turun yliopisto. Kulttuurihistorian pro gradu -tutkielma.