Study title
Attitudes Towards Work
Study number / PID
ZA0113, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Life and job situation of workers in France.
Topics: Judgement on the development of the standard of living;
housing situation and having a yard; possession and acquisition plans
for durable consumer goods; personal unemployment in the past and
assessment of job security; work satisfaction and prospects of
promotion; characteristics of one´s own occupation; judgement on work
efficiency and ability of colleagues in the company; judgement on the
profit situation of the company and the possibility of wage increases;
suspected relationship between wage increases and price increases;
vacation behavior; judgement on the system of social security; amount
of savings; ideal number of hours each week; comparison of wage level
with other companies; extent of trade union activity in the company;
judgement on trade union work and interest in the worker movement; rank
order of satisfaction of workers in selected countries; perceived class
differences and social injustice in the country; political interest and
media usage; personal election participation; city size.
Demography: age (classified); school education; occupation;
professional position; income; housing situation; party preference;
possession of durable economic goods; membership
Interviewer rating: social class of respondent.