National identity and political attitudes in the process of
German-German unification.
Topics: Fulfillment of expectations of currency, economic and social
union and the unification contract; national identity; personal role
in the German-German unification process; understanding of native
country; ties to state; interest in politics; stand on unification of
Europe and reasons for this; necessity of a new constitution; changes
since German unification regarding democratic participation,
occupational development possibilities, satisfaction of material
needs, participation in cultural life, health precautions; assessment
of the standard of living; preferred group for solution of social
problems; occupation with problems such as unemployment, disarmament,
the war in Yugoslavia; formation of the common European market,
growing crime, occupational new orientation, growing thoughtlessness,
environmental pollution, rent increase, hunger and poverty in the
underdeveloped countries; future development of Germany; prospects
for the future; trust in the socially-oriented market economy,
politicians, democracy and principle of rule by law, parties and
organizations, trade unions, friends, family and in one's own person;
judgement on the history of the GDR; future dealing with the history
of the GDR; place of residence; state.