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Netherlands Institute for Public Opinion and Marketing Research - NIPO
Study number / PID
doi:10.17026/dans-xcx-nubz (DOI)
easy-dataset:56754 (DANS-KNAW)
Data access
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<p>Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 21 or 18 years and older. The weekly data are available as separate files in annual records, containing overviews of the standard background variables as well as the topical variables.</p><p>The dataset 'NIPO weeksurveys 1962-2000 (Creator: R.N. Eisinga, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen' ) contains a cumulative datafile with a selection of the standard background variables: political party vote last election / political party vote...
Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1989 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older.All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections.Background variables:Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / < self > left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor.Topical variables:n8902: Justice of dividing Palestine between Jews and Palestinians / If respondent is following the news about the conflicts in Israel and the occupied territories of Palestine / Respondent's understanding for the behaviour of Israeli soldiers and/or Arabian demonstrators / Degree of trust in Arafat, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization.n8903: American-Libyan conflict about bringing down two Libyan fighter jets / Trust in news coverage either from the USA, or from Libya / Production of poisonous gas in Libya / Libyan help for terrorists / Respondent's interest in buying shares of the chemical company DSM < the former Dutch State Mines > / If respondent is having shares and/or debentures.n8905: Drinking alcohol and driving of a car / Importance of clean toilets in restaurants, cinemas, theatres and at work.n8908: Respondent's concern about environmental pollution / Pollution by electricity companies / Phosphates / Pollution by cars and lorries / Means of conveyance when respondent is going to work or going for shopping / Distance between home and work and accessibility by public transport.n8911: Membership of NATO / Expected success of Gorbachow in the modernization of Russia / Influence of the modernization of Russia on Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland / Withdrawal of Russian and American troops from respectively East-European countries and West-European countries / Reunification of East- and...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.