Summary information

Study title

Use and Abuse of Illegal Drugs, Alcoholic Beverages, Medications and Tobacco Products 1994 (Epidemiological Survey on Substance Abuse)


IFT, Institut für Therapieforschung, München

Study number / PID

ZA2804, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.2804 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


Facts and attitudes to use of medications, tobacco products, alcohol and drugs. Topics: self-assessment of condition of health; longer illness in the last year and medical treatment; use of medication (pain-killers, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, stimulants, laxatives, diet preparations or appetite suppressants). Use of tobacco products; use of cigarettes; age at starting use of cigarettes; criticism experienced as smoker; personal consideration for non-smokers; medical recommendation to reduce use of tobacco; no-smoking zones at work; arrangements at home to limit smoking; perceived disturbance through presence of smokers; experience with personal requests to smokers not to smoke in one´s presence. Use of alcohol; age at first alcohol excess; daily consumption of beer, wine and spirits; guilt feelings due to personal use of alcohol and criticism experienced from others; use of alcohol directly after getting up; medical advice to restrict use of alcohol. Use of drugs; assessment of the development of the drug problem in Germany; drug offers received; statment of drugs used oneself; time of last use and frequency of use of hashish, stimulants, ecstasy, LSD, mescaline, heroin, other opiates, cocaine, methadon, crack as well as age at starting with individual drugs; readiness to to try drugs and reasons for possible rejection; use of hard and soft drugs in one´s circle of friends; proportion of addicts in one´s circle of friends and their drug preference; availability of drugs within 24 hours, differences according to individual types; knowledge about the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court about dealing with hashish for personal use.


Not available


Data collection period

06/1994 - 08/1994



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Multi-stage stratified random sample procedure with telephone numbers

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Telephone interview with standardized questionnaire



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

C - Data and documents are only released for academic research and teaching after the data depositor's written authorization. For this purpose the Data Archive obtains a written permission with specification of the user and the analysis intention.

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