Study title
Use and Abuse of Illegal Drugs, Alcoholic Beverages, Medications and Tobacco Products 1994 (Epidemiological Survey on Substance Abuse)
IFT, Institut für Therapieforschung, München
Study number / PID
ZA2804, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Facts and attitudes to use of medications, tobacco products, alcohol
and drugs. Topics: self-assessment of condition of health; longer
illness in the last year and medical treatment; use of medication
(pain-killers, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, stimulants, laxatives,
diet preparations or appetite suppressants). Use of tobacco products;
use of cigarettes; age at starting use of cigarettes; criticism
experienced as smoker; personal consideration for non-smokers; medical
recommendation to reduce use of tobacco; no-smoking zones at work;
arrangements at home to limit smoking; perceived disturbance through
presence of smokers; experience with personal requests to smokers not
to smoke in one´s presence. Use of alcohol; age at first alcohol
excess; daily consumption of beer, wine and spirits; guilt feelings due
to personal use of alcohol and criticism experienced from others; use
of alcohol directly after getting up; medical advice to restrict use of
alcohol. Use of drugs; assessment of the development of the drug
problem in Germany; drug offers received; statment of drugs used
oneself; time of last use and frequency of use of hashish, stimulants,
ecstasy, LSD, mescaline, heroin, other opiates, cocaine, methadon,
crack as well as age at starting with individual drugs; readiness to to
try drugs and reasons for possible rejection; use of hard and soft
drugs in one´s circle of friends; proportion of addicts in one´s circle
of friends and their drug preference; availability of drugs within 24
hours, differences according to individual types; knowledge about the
decision of the Federal Constitutional Court about dealing with hashish
for personal use.