Study title
Advertising Students
Schaab, Wolfgang (Institut für Mittelstandsforschung, Soziologische Abteilung, Köln )
Study number / PID
ZA0414, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Decision-making process for choice of profession and professional image
of future advertising professionals.
Topics: course of professional career; decision-making process in
choice of profession; change of professional situation through
attendance at school of advertising; profession desired; financing of
education; judgement on the education provided by the school of
advertising and the usefulness of the individual subjects for the
profession; professional image; expectations of the profession;
evaluation of relative social prestige of the advertising expert;
membership in the professional organization for advertising consultants
and advertising directors as well as attitude to this organization;
attitude to protection of the job title; general value orientation;
judgement of respondent on the questionnaire; social origins.
Demography: sex; marital status; number of children; age und number of
siblings; religious denomination; school education; vocational
training; professional career; income; regional origins.