The Learning Conditions Monitor has been conducated periodically by Statistics Norway as an additional survey to the Labour Force Survey (AKU) every 1st quarter since 2003. The survey aims to identify the conditions for leaning and competence development among adults, with particular emphasis on working life.
The survey maps actual participation in formal and non-formal education, courses, seminars, conferences etc. In additions, the participants' needs and wishes regarding participation in these forms of learning are mapped. Furthermore, there are questions about how the relevant education and training is organised, as well as questions about framework conditions for participation, such as salary during training, obstacles in participation in various forms of training, employer's attitude etc. These are all important indicators for the development of the knowledge and leaning community.
The survey contains questions from Eurostat's supplementary survey on lifelong learning, which runs every few years in all EU countries and candidate countries, as well as some additiona questions that are only asked in Norway.
FAFO is responsible for the design of the monitor and for analyses, while the Ministry of Education is responsible for the funding. Statistics Norway is primarily responsible for the data collection.