Summary information

Study title

AUTNES Automatic Content Analysis of the Media Coverage 2013


Kleinen-von Königslöw, Katharina (Universität Wien)
Haselmayer, Martin (Universität Wien)
Jacobi, Carina (Universität Wien)
Eberl, Jakob-Moritz (Universität Wien)
Vonbun, Ramona (Universität Wien)
Schönbach, Klaus (Universität Wien)
Boomgaarden, Hajo G. (Universität Wien)

Study number / PID

ZA5865, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.12566 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


This is a dataet on the media coverage on the 2013 Austrian National Election. 43,021 contributions from 61 print TV, radio and online media (selected according to various criteria to represent the Austrian media landscape as accurately as possible) were analyzed by means of automatic content analysis. All contributions refer to either a political party or a political candidate of the 2013 Austrian National Election. All contributions have been published between the 1st of August and the 29th of September 2013 (= election day). Articles were either provided by the APA database or downloaded using specially programmed scrapers. Central variables (selection): • Metadata such as u.a. Title and subtitle of the article; Medium; Release date of the post • Content coding: i.a. Abstract topic; Actors; frames; journalistic style. Topics: 1. Metadata: news story´s headline and byline; personalization in the headline (top candidate focus); medium: media outlet each news story appeared in, categorized by media type and media genre; name of the outlet that published or broadcasted the story; date on which the news story was published or broadcasted; number of the page on which a news story appeared; news category in which the news story appeared; length of the news story in words. 2. Political knowledge (Austria´s minimum voting age (sixteen years old), threshold of votes for entering parliament); style in which an articel is written, or an item is presented: conflict, proportion of emotion words in a news story (emotionalization); language of games, sportes and war; presence of an actor (parties, top candidates and members of government) in an article; policy issues (Wirtschaft, Wohlfahrtsstaat, Budget, Bildung und Kultur, Sicherheit, Bundesheer, Außenpolitik Europa, Infrastruktur, Gesellschaft, Umweltschutz, Institutionenreform, Immigration, undefined), no policy issue. Additionally coded was: unique ID of the article across all AmCAT servers; article-ID.


Not available


Data collection period

18/08/2013 - 29/09/2013



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Total universe/Complete Enumeration

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Content Coding



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.

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