Study title
The Political Situation in West Berlin (February - March 1953)
USIA, Washington
DIVO, Frankfurt
Study number / PID
ZA0587, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Judgement on the policies of the Federal Government and the western
powers as well as the political situation of Berlin. Assessment of the
mood in the population of Berlin in the time of political difficulties.
Topics: Satisfaction with the senate; judgement on the western powers
and the Federal Government regarding their effort for Berlin; desired
measures given a renewed blockade; fear of a new world war;
expectations of the Berlin policies and policies on the east of the new
Eisenhower government; assumed attitude of the American government on
reunification of Germany; preferred East-West orientation of the FRG;
attitude to participation of the FRG in the western defense community;
attitude to refugees from the east and the conduct of the political
authorities on refugee questions; judgement on the efforts of the GDR
government to isolate Berlin and the influence of the SED on the
population of Berlin; party preference and preferred party for the
Federal Parliament.
Demography: age (classified); sex; religious denomination; school
education; occupation; household income; refugee status.