Study title
Study Motivations and Occupational Concepts among Students of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences
Forschungsgesellschaft für Agrarpolitik und Agrarsoziologie, Bonn
Study number / PID
ZA0685, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Study motivation, learning conditions and satisfaction with studies as
well as occupational concepts of students of agricultural and
nutritional science.
Topics: Reasons for the decision for college studies and choice of the
university city; judgement on the occupation and study advice
experienced; assessment of the occupation prospects before taking up
studies and at the time of survey; change of cities of study and
orientations of studies; subject area and planned specialization;
structuring of studies; weekly study time and division of working hours
among lectures, exercises and assessment time; formation of teams;
judgement on the study plans, instruction contents and examination
regulations; examination grades; judgement on practical training and
its significance for the occupation decision; occupation plans and
occupation expectations; interest in employment in foreign aid;
assessment of the hiring chances in the occupation sought; preference
for a later activity in the civil service; service in the Federal
German Armed Forces or alternative service; financing studies; interest
in college questions and judgement on co-determination opportunities in
the college area; political participation and preferred college group;
memberships; party preference; housing conditions; social origins;
religiousness; questions on personal youth.
Demography: age (classified); sex; age und number of siblings;
religious denomination; school education; regional origins.
Interviewer rating: willingness of respondent to cooperate; place of
interview; length of interview; identification of interviewer.