Summary information

Study title

Supporting the use of digital media in research with children and young people: Young Digital


Elsley, S, University of Edinburgh

Study number / PID

850873 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-850873 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


This project will create an online resource about using digital media in research with children and young people. It has developed out of a recognition that digital media offers exciting possibilities for developing research with children and young people.The resource will give guidance and support to researchers who wish to use digital media in their work. It will draw on expertise from academia as well as other sectors, using existing resources as well as commissioning examples of using online media. It will build on the research team's experience in research with children and young people and of developing courses on using digital media in research.



Data collection period

01/11/2011 - 31/10/2012


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

The project developed the work in the following phases:1. Developing core themes and concepts for Young Digital project• Initial consultation with invited expert group on using digital media in range of research, learning and participation activities with children and young people• Invited contributions and review of existing resources on using digital media in research in order to identify availability, range and focus of relevant resources• Consultation with a contact group of users about what kind of resource would be most helpful in order to augment existing knowledge of the field. • Considered any ethical issues arising from development or production of website.• Agreement drawn up for contributors to website.• Considered how to utilise resource advanced level training in research with password protected area.• Reviewed websites on research and other relevant activities in order to identify appropriate design and production of resources.• Contracted web design company to develop design, structure and content.2. Development of Young Digital resource• Identified themes for website. These were the following: technical areas; methodology; ethics; and children and young people as co-producers.• Extensive review and collation of resources in the thematic areas.• Explored use of different media for presentation of case studies.• Commissioned case studies and contributions from experts in using digital media in research, participation and engagement and learning technologies with children and young people.• Website concept, structure and design finalised.• Ongoing consultation and feedback on content and web design with users including participants on CRFR CPD course on using digital media in research with children and young people.3. Production of Young Digital resource• Edited and produced case studies which were provided in video, audio and slide formats.• Edited and finalised content for each thematic area.• Worked with design company to finalise web structure and technical features. • Ongoing consultation and feedback on content with expert group.4. Dissemination of Young Digital• Strategy developed for dissemination of Young Digital website.• Twitter account established in advance of launch to publicise project.• Article in CRFR Briefing as pre-launch information.• Dissemination widely across networks using email networks; mailing lists; through Twitter.• Monitoring of feedback through Twitter and other contacts.• Ongoing activities includes: updating content through Twitter; embedding it within CRFR/the University of Edinburgh’s existing courses to ensure sustainability, and maximise its use across different disciplines and sectors.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.

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