Summary information

Study title

Smoking Habits Survey, 1997


Statistics Norway

Study number / PID (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Smoking Habits Survey

During the 1960's the question of influencing people's smoking habits was treated several times in the Norwegian Parliament. Important documents for the justification of a more restrictive policy with respect to the marketing of tobacco products "Påvirkning av røykeadferd", The Norwegian Cancer Society 1967, where the proposal to build an administration that would take care of the work on smoking and health was raised. Report to the Storting nr. 62, 1968-1969, that proposed a ban on cigarette advertising, and Recommandation of the Social Commitee nr. 143, 1969-1970. The National Council on...

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During the 1960's the question of influencing people's smoking habits was treated several times in the Norwegian Parliament. Important documents for the justification of a more restrictive policy with respect to the marketing of tobacco products "Påvirkning av røykeadferd", The Norwegian Cancer Society 1967, where the proposal to build an administration that would take care of the work on smoking and health was raised. Report to the Storting nr. 62, 1968-1969, that proposed a ban on cigarette advertising, and Recommandation of the Social Commitee nr. 143, 1969-1970. The National Council on Tobacco and Health was created in 1971, and the same year came "Innstilling til lov om restriktive tiltak ved omsetning av tobakksvarer" (The Tobacco Act), enacted as law nr. 14 og March 9th 1973 and implemented from July 1st 1975. On behalf of the National Council on Tobacco and Health Statistics Norway has since 1973 conducted smoking habits surveys as an addition to the Labour Force Surveys every 4th quarter. In 1974 and in 1975 the Smoking habits survey was conducted each quarter of the year. The purpose was to obtain information on the status and changes in Norwegian smoking habits, mainly as research material for the National Council on Tobacco and Health. From 1992 to 2004, questions on smoking habits have largely been asked in connection with Statistics Norway's Omnibus Surveys. The Travel and Holiday Surveys is a continuation of the Omnibus Surveys. The main purpose of these surveys is to identify Norwegians' travel habits, and to ensure the collection of other official statistics. Questions about smoking habits are included in these surveys. This file contains questions about smoking habits asked in connection with the Omnibus Study November 1997.


Not available


Data collection period

17/11/1997 - 16/12/1997


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Persons in the age 16-79 years.

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Not available



Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

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