Summary information

Study title

SPD Party Office-Holder Survey 1991


SPD-Parteivorstand, Bonn

Study number / PID

ZA2610, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.2610 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


Judgement on the SPD by party office-holders in the party. Topics: Length of membership in the SPD as well as in local committee; contact or cause for personally joining the party; manner of first contact on the part of the party after joining; evaluation of selected reasons for joining the SPD (scale); attitude to the SPD and evaluation of the party from current view; functionary status according to hierarchy levels, length of mandate up to now and readiness for further candidacies; current and earlier memberships in other organizations and current activity level; activities as works council or staff council for civil servants, as union negotiator in a trade union or as member in an SPD company group; participation in selected task forces on the level of the local committee, the district association , the district level or the state level; weekly time budget for party work, organized according to individual activities; desired changes in time budget for individual activities for the party; perceived work stress from party work; satisfaction with communication at the various party levels; participation in education events of the party; most important sources of information about seminars; interest in principle in such seminars; self-classification of personal commitment for the party; local committee size; separating the members in active and passive members; selected manner of greeting new members; behavior with party members wanting to leave and who have resigned; most important reasons for resignation in the last few months; forms of taking care of members; type and extent of activities outside of the election campaign; current and desired main focus in local committee work; type of member information about local committee work; ways of motivating and activating members; information on course of board elections in local committee; quota regulation in filling board position; activities of local committee and personal participation in these; judgement...
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Not available


Data collection period

11/1991 - 12/1991



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Two-stage stratified random sampling

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Mail survey



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


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C - Data and documents are only released for academic research and teaching after the data depositor's written authorization. For this purpose the Data Archive obtains a written permission with specification of the user and the analysis intention.

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