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Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1994 (DPES/NKO 1994)
H. Anker
E.V. Oppenhuis
J. Thomassen (Universiteit Twente)
Study number / PID
doi:10.17026/dans-27g-npxj (DOI)
STAR: P1208
easy-dataset:31919 (DANS-KNAW)
Data access
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Two wave survey on voters' opinions: before and after the Dutch parliamentary elections of May 3, 1994. Pre-election wave: reading of newspapers, tv-newscast exposure / most important national problems / party identification and membership / evaluation of government policy on economy, employment and respondents personal finances / perception of main parties' standpoints on various political issues: euthanasia, crime, income differences, nuclear plants, ethnic minorities, R's own viewpoints regarding these matters / voting at last municipal elections /feasibility of multi-party system / sympathy rating of parties and leading politicians / coalition preference / party identification of parents / most essential goals in life / the inflow of asylum-seekers / the meaning of life / the life of Brian / Post-election wave: exposure to election campaigns, participation in it / voting behaviour, time of vote decision, voting stability / image of political parties regarding their ability to solve specific problems: crime, employment, pollution, welfare-fraud, financing deficit, pensioners' incomes / importance ranking of these problems / voting for European parliament / perception of main parties' standpoints on the unification of Europe, R's own standpoints in this matter / who will be the best prime minister / familiarity with politicians / best & worst qualities of leading politicians / left-right rating of political parties / meaning of the concepts of left and right / sense of political efficacy / image of politicians and the political system / civic competence / relation between citizens and politicians / importance of the city council ( gemeenteraad ), provincial states ( provinciale staten ), national and European parliament to R's personal life / importance ranking of various political and personal issues / political participation / who are most entitled to a job / attitude to foreigners / racism / positive discrimination / chance that R will ever vote for other...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.