Summary information

Study title

Local Youth Survey 2010-2023


NOVA (Tilknyttet institusjon)

Study number / PID (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


Ungdata is used by almost all Norwegian municipalities and counties to conduct surveys among students in lower and upper secondary school. The survey covers various aspects of young people's lives, such as their relationships with parents and friends, leisure activities, school, quality of life, health, substance use, and crime. The dataset consists of individual data from students in secondary schools and has been collected in Norwegian municipalities from 2010 to 2023. The survey is conducted electronically. The questionnaire includes a mandatory core module used in all surveys and a set of optional, predefined questions that municipalities can choose from. The questionnaire for the Ungdata survey is typically conducted every three years. Ungdata is the result of a collaborative effort between the research institute NOVA and seven regional competence centers in the field of substance abuse (KORUS). The project is funded by the Norwegian Directorate of Health through annual grants in the State Budget. Until 2020, it is recommended to use three-year averages as national figures to reduce the impact of variations in the composition of municipalities from year to year. The 2021 survey was limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The surveys in 2021 and 2022 are considered nationally representative. The dataset for 2023 is not nationally representative. For more information, visit


Data collection period

01/01/2010 - 01/05/2023


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Not available

Funding information


Norwegian Directorate of Health



Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

Not available