Summary information

Study title

Omnibus Study No. 3 2003


Statistics Norway

Study number / PID (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Travel and Holiday Survey/Omnibus

Statistics Norway's Omnibus Surveys are composed of questions about various themes on behalf of several employers. The surveys consist of a fixed set of background variables, as well as the questions that employers pay for. The questions that are determined by employers can almost be considered as fixed as well, since they are used each quarter. These questions concern smoking (on behalf of the Ministry of Health Care Services) and vacation traveling over the last three months (on behalf of the Section for Transport, Tourism and ICT at SSB). In the period 1992-2004 data were collected...

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Statistics Norway's Omnibus Surveys are composed of questions about various themes on behalf of several employers. The surveys consist of a fixed set of background variables, as well as the questions that employers pay for. The questions that are determined by employers can almost be considered as fixed as well, since they are used each quarter. These questions concern smoking (on behalf of the Ministry of Health Care Services) and travel over the last three months (on behalf of the Section for Transport, Tourism and ICT at SSB). Other themes that were asked about in this quarter were: - Attitudes towards immigration and immigrants (Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development) - Shopping abroad (Division for External Tradel at SSB) - Live-in partner statistics (Division for Social and Demographic Research at SSB) The Omnibus Survey in August/September (Omnibus nr. 3) 2003 was the first of four Omnibus Surveys in 2003.


Not available


Data collection period

25/08/2003 - 10/10/2003


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



People in the age 16-79 years per 31.12.2003

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Not available

Funding information


Norwegian Directorate of Health


Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation



NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

Not available