Summary information

Study title

Airport Expansion and Citizen Involvement


Forschungsgruppe Politische Partizipation im Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Study number / PID

ZA1327, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.1327 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


Attitude to expansion of the west runway of the Frankfurt airport and personal participation in political protest. Topics: most important advantages and disadvantages or expected positive and negative consequences of expansion of the runway; personal impact of expansion measures and assessment of consequences to be expected personally; general attitude to expansion of airports and in particular the runway construction in Frankfurt; difference of opinion on this topic within family and in one´s circle of friends; self-assessment of tolerance regarding opposing positions; judgement on legitimacy of actions of opponents to the runway in spite of legal permission for runway construction; judgement on different forms of citizen protest; earlier causes for political involvement; friends and relatives actively engaged against the runway construction; personal readiness for future involvement; assessment of probability of personal conflicts with the police due to this involvement; start and cause of interest in the runway conflict; assessment of probability of success of runway opponents; judgement on usefulness of protest even in case of failure; judgement on the police use of force in the occupying of the runway site; local residency; residential status; religiousness; political interest; development of sympathy of the parties with the problems of citizens; memberships; employment with the airport company; daily newspapers read; intensity of following the conflict around the runway and type of source of information. Demography: age; sex; marital status; religious denomination; frequency of church attendance; school education; occupational training; school attendance; employment; sources of income; household size; local residency; memberships.


Not available


Data collection period

03/1981 - 04/1981


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Simple random selection (random-address)

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Mail survey



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

C - Data and documents are only released for academic research and teaching after the data depositor's written authorization. For this purpose the Data Archive obtains a written permission with specification of the user and the analysis intention.

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