Study title
Inflation, Controlled Economy on Appartments and Housing and Taxation of Housing Interest in Germany from 1919 to 1939.
Witt, Peter-Christian
Study number / PID
ZA8362, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
The housing policy in the Weimar Republic was characterized by partly short-termed, parly long-termed planned attempts to overcome the housing emergency, which created social and political problems. The inheritance that the Weimar Republic hat to take in the housing market field from the German Empire (Kaiserreich), was catastrophic. Unaware of this heritage, the far-reaching general obligation of the state in the Weimar Constitution was formulated to ensure every German person adequate housing.
The investigator discusses the quantitative results of the housing construction and housing financing in the Weimar Republic and a number of issues closely related to this housing policy, such as different methods of financing. The quantitative and qualitative results of the subsidized housing in the Weimar Republic are examined in terms of their viability by the empirical analysis.
Data tables in the search- and downloadsystem HISTAT
(Topic: Housing Construction, Housing (= Bautätigkeit, Wohnungen) ):
Tab 1: Wohnungsbauproduktion ( = residential building production )(1919-1939);
Tab 2: Hauszinssteuer: Aufkommen, Verwendung für Wohnungsbau und öffentliche Wohnungsbauförderung (housing interest taxation: revenues, use for housing construction and subsidized housing) (1924-1939);
Tab 3: Finanzierung des Neuzugangs an Wohnungen durch die öffentlichen Hände (Financing of housing new entry by the public sector) (1919-1939);
Tab 4: Brutto-Investitionen im Wohnungsbau und ihre Finanzierung (Brut-investment in housing construction and it’s financing) (1919-1939).