Study title
MOVE: Mapping mobility - pathways, institutions and structural effects of youth mobility Datasets
Navarrete Moreno, Lorenzo (Colegio Profesional de Politólogos y Sociólogos de la Comunidad de Madrid)
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This database presents the results of the MOVE Project Survey (Work Package 4) that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 649263. The consortium of MOVE comprises nine partners in six countries: Luxembourg, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Romania, and Spain. The central aim of MOVE is to provide evidence-based knowledge on mobility of young people in Europe as a prerequisite to improve mobility conditions, and to identify fostering and hindering factors of “beneficial” mobility. This aim is pursued using a multilevel interdisciplinary research approach, aiming at a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the mobility of young people in Europe. Objectives of the Survey: –To find out about the role and value of information and support services for young people and their decision making process to go abroad. –To explore the role of transnational networks for support and as a potential “pull factor” for mobility. –To examine the agency of young people with mobility experience and without it. –To study the formation of social capital and the dimensions of social inequality of mobile young people and their effects on future perspectives as well as the reproduction of social inequalities. –To carry out research on the formation of identity by those mobile young people compared to non- mobile ones. –To examine the career-plans of young people and their personal attachments related to their commitments in their home country (e.g. sending money home, supporting the family, etc.) –To gain insights into the (re)production of social inequality concerning mobility and non- mobility.