Study title
Equal Status Chances of Men and Women in the New States 1990
Study number / PID
ZA6419, Version 2.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Changed living conditions, expectations and satisfaction in advance
of German-German unification, attitudes to equal opportunities.
Changes of personal situation in life since currency union;
satisfaction with job security, price development, rent, services, income;
expected improvements in the areas environment, housing, economic situation,
job security, health care, supply;
party preference;
trust in German politicians, decision-making responsibilities in one's family;
primary earner in one's family earlier and today as well as
effect of change on family;
attitude to equal opportunities for both sexes in the job market;
reaction to lay-offs for the benefit of the other sex;
conditions for giving up a job for the benefit of the other sex;
opinion on part-time employment;
changes of interhuman relations within work collective;
number of children in household;