Summary information

Study title

Enhancing Leisure Time Activities: Interview Notes and Observation Diaries 2013-2017


Anttila, Anna (City of Helsinki)

Study number / PID

FSD3226 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3226 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd3226 (DOI)

Data access



Enhancing Leisure Time Activities

This data series contains the results of the development and research project 'Good Leisure Time' by Helsinki City Youth Department. 'Good Leisure Time' is one of the priority projects funded by Helsinki City Council to battle the marginalisation of youth. Twelve lower secondary school classes with an approximate total of 170 pupils aged 13-16 participated in the study in 2013-2017. The classes were divided into six target and six control group classes. The target classes had an assigned youth worker whose role was to support the pupils in finding a hobby or a leisure time activity. The...

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The data comprise diaries of youth workers and interviews of youth workers and teachers conducted as part of a research project entitled Good Leisure Time. The data were collected in five different schools in a town in Southern Finland. Each studied class had a youth worker of their own for the duration of lower secondary school. The role of the youth worker was to support the pupils in finding a hobby or a leisure time activity. The youth workers and teachers discussed how the project had gone, what effect the support from a youth worker had had on pupils' activities and habits, and what the cooperation of youth workers and schools could offer in the future. The data consist of two interviews and four diaries of youth workers and 12 interviews of teachers. In addition to the interviews and diaries, the data contain the outcomes of researcher workshops organised for the pupils. In the workshops, the participants thought about what they would do on a perfect day, what they had learned on the seventh grade, what advice they would give to a sixth grader, which websites were meaningful for them and which places they would like to visit. This dataset is only available in Finnish.


Data collection period

2013 - 2016



Time dimension


Analysis unit



Teachers and pupils in the lower secondary schools that participated in the study, as well as the youth workers who participated in the project

Sampling procedure

Non-probability: Purposive

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview
Self-administered writings and/or diaries



Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

Related publications

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  • Anttila, Anna (2014) "Olen paratiisissa" - Hyvä vapaa-aika lapsuuden ja aikuisuuden välissä. Nuorten hyvinvointikertomus.
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  • Anttila, Anna (2014) "Mitä välii onks netissä vai face to face?!" - Netti, some ja digitaaliset pelit osana nuorten vapaa-aikaa. Viikon näkökulma 9.6.2014. Verkkonuorisotyön valtakunnallinen kehittämiskeskus Verke.