Summary information

Study title

NGT video stimuli, with and without mouth actions


E. Ormel (

Study number / PID

doi:10.17026/SS/CNQGSY (DOI)

Data access

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This repository consists of 908 high-quality videos in .mov format of single signs in Nederlandse Gebarentaal (NGT); i.e., Dutch Sign Language, also called Sign Language of the Netherlands. These NGT signs were created as experimental stimuli for a study led by principal investigator, Ellen Ormel (Radboud University). The sign model in all videos is Ms. Merel van Zuilen, who is filmed with a dark long-sleeved shirt on a plain blue background. The video file sizes range from 16 megabytes to over 40 megabytes. There are two overall types of videos as part of the experimental design: (1) those in which the manual sign is accompanied by a mouth action (449 videos) and (2) those articulated without any mouth action (459 videos). "Mouth action" refers to both "mouthings" that map to the articulations in a spoken word and "mouth gestures" that are linguistic elements that accompany the movement of the hands and body. All together, there are 425 unique manual signs in the dataset and most of these manual signs have both types of videos: a manual sign with a mouth action and the same manual sign without a mouth action. There are also phonetic variants on some signs, which increases the overall number of videos. The filenaming convention for the files is as follows. The filename starts with a gloss translation in Dutch in capital letters (e.g., APPEL) followed by an optional dash separator and letter to indicate a lexical variant (e.g., KROON-A, KROON-B), followed by an optional underscore and number to indicate a phonetic variant (e.g., ONTDOOIEN_1, ONTDOOIEN_2, PRATEN-A_1, PRATEN-A_2), followed by an obligatory underscore and two-letter code for the mouth actions status of the sign: MM, GM, or ZM. 'MM' for met mondbeeld indicates a mouthing that typically mirrors a spoken word in Dutch; 'GM' for gesture mondbeeld indicates a mouth gesture (including mouth morphemes); and ZM for zonder mondbeeld indicates no mouth action at all. For example, is a...
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Data collection period

2013 - 2014


Time dimension

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Analysis unit

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Sampling procedure

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Kind of data


Data collection mode

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DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities

Publication year

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Terms of data access

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