Summary information

Study title

Integrated Coastal Resource Management and Planning - Ecosystem Services and Coastal Governance


Kvalvik, Ingrid (Tilknyttet institusjon)

Study number / PID (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


Pressures on coastal resources are expected to increase, as are the number of competing societal considerations in the coastal zone. Climate change and changing environmental conditions demand new forms of adaptation. The COREPLAN project addresses the need for integrated and sustainable management and use of the coastal zone across sector interests. The coastal zone and the ecosystem services (ES) it provides constitute the point of departure for COREPLAN. By seeking ways to incorporate the methods for valuing and weighing (ES) into marine spatial planning and resource governance, COREPLAN aims at improving the coastal governance regime in Norway. COREPLAN addresses the current and future challenges related to coastal governance and to the trade-off between ES representing different stakeholders and values, as well as different types of knowledge. COREPLAN will develop scenarios for ES based governance where stakeholder's preferences, values and practical knowledge, can be combined with societal objectives and scientific knowledge to support decisions. COREPLAN will apply a systems approach to governance, involving aspects of environmental, social and economic character. COREPLAN is an inter-disciplinary study where social scientists, economist and biologists cooperate. Case studies will be carried out in two parts of Norway; the counties Troms and Hordaland, as well as in British Columbia, Canada; areas with high complexity regarding stakeholders, activities and possible trade-offs between different ES. The Canadian case will provide descriptions of a different governance structure. Through these case studies COREPLAN will address multiple ES that provide benefits and represent substantial value, while at the same time covering different governance approaches. Data and documentation can be freely downloaded under "Other materials".



Data collection period

01/01/2016 - 28/02/2019


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Geographic Unit


The ESRI file geodatabase (LEK_ES.gdb) contains three feature classes (GIS vector data) representing cultural ecosystem services (cultural_ES), supporting ecosystem services (supporting_ES) and provisional ecosystem services (provisional_ES). The data are prepared based on the maps from participatory mapping meetings and public consultation meetings as well as map and/or spatial information inputs in the form of comments and objections from stakeholders during planning process of Coastal Zone Plan for Mid- and South Troms County. Based on the description in those documents, the features were categorized into different ecosystem services categories following ES categorization the scheme of Sundsvold and Armstrong.

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Not available

Funding information


The Research Council of Norway

Grant number




Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

Not available