Summary information

Study title

A longitudinal multi-informant study of psychological adjustment and academic attainment over the transition from primary school to secondary school


Rice, F, Cardiff University
Riglin, L, Cardiff University
Ng-Knight, T, University College London
Frederickson, N, University College London
Shelton, K, Cardiff University
I Chris, M, University College London

Study number / PID

852714 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-852714 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


A short-term UK longitudinal study following children making the transition from primary school to secondary school. Questionnaire data were collected from pupils, parents and teachers on three occasions spaced 6 months apart beginning in the last term of primary school and ending in the last term of the first year of secondary school. Information on attitudes to school and learning (e.g. concerns about transition, school connectedness), pupil psychological adjustment (e.g. Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire), personal characteristics (e.g. self-control), relationships with others (e.g. parent-child relationship quality) and academic attainment (e.g. Key Stage 2 results in English, Maths and Science) were collected. Moving from primary to secondary school involves a degree of apprehension for most pupils. Pupils have to adapt to a more challenging school setting with different academic structures and expectations as well as changes in social interactions with teachers and peers. A significant minority of pupils experience a range of difficulties in adjusting to secondary school as shown by lower grades, poor attendance and increased anxiety. This study aims to identify factors that make a successful transition to secondary school more likely as well as to identify risk factors for a difficult transition. The results will help to identify the most vulnerable pupils so that they can be given extra support. We will follow a group of approximately 1000 pupils as they make the transition from primary school to secondary school. We will collect information from pupils, parents and teachers and will ask about pupils’ well-being, academic achievement, and their views about school and relationships with friends and teachers. This information will be collected on three occasions beginning in the last term of primary school and ending in the last term of the first year of secondary school. This will allow us to examine how pupils change and adapt to secondary...
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Data collection period

01/04/2012 - 31/07/2013


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Survey of pupils, parents and teachers. Prospective pupils due to attend 10 secondary schools were contacted in the summer term of the child's last year of primary school (questionnaire mailed to the parent and the child). Where the parent gave consent, primary school teachers were also contacted and sent a questionnaire to complete. Two subsequent surveys (one during the first term of the first year of secondary school (Year 7) and one during the last term of Year 7) were carried out with pupils in classroom groups during the school day. Parents were contacted via postal questionnaire at each stage. Secondary school teachers were also asked to complete questionnaires. Full details including participation rates and information on the questionnaire scales are given in accompanying documentation and in the attached related sources (below).

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

Not available