Study title
The Situation after the Federal Parliament Election 1949
Institut für Demoskopie, Allensbach
Study number / PID
ZA2361, Version 2.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Judgement on current economic and political questions.
Topics: Election participation at the last Federal Parliament
election; reasons for non-participation in the election; voting for
the candidate of a party or a candidate without party affiliation;
trust in party voted for; associations with the term socialization;
belief in the political future of Germany; attitude to an active
German peace initiative; expected development of a desire for peace
in Germany, even under absence of independence of the country;
personal readiness for action to regain political and economic
independence of the country; willingness to make sacrifices for this
independence; expectation of relative prosperity for West Germans;
attitude to a re-distribution of national income; preference for free
competition or socialization; preference for the Russian, English or
German model of socialism; attitude to a strengthening of government
influence due to socialism; expected ability of workers'
representatives and trade unions regarding a socialist-led
government; preferred management institution (works council, owner,
trade unions, authorities, experts) for a socialized company;
preference for restricted economic areas with customs duties or free
world trade; judgement on the achievements of the parties since the
collapse of 1949; preference for independence of the parties in
achievement of their programs or preference for a common effort to
achieve economic independence; attitude to Bonn as Federal Capital;
preferred alternative capital city; refugee status; sign of the
horoscope of respondent; height; preferred color; color of hair of
respondent; listening to the radio.
Interviewer rating:
willingness of respondent to cooperate.
With some questions it was additionally encoded whether the
respondent provided explanatory comments. In part these comments were
encoded for content in the sense of an open question.