Study title
Democracy and Social Transition in the Baltic Sea Region - Estonia 1999
Loftsson, Elfar (School of Social Science, Södertörn University)
Choe, Yonhyok (School of Social Science, Södertörn University)
Study number / PID (DOI)
This dataset contains results from the Estonian part of the first survey within the project 'Democracy and Social Transition in the Baltic Sea Region' carried out at Södertörn University. To study individuals' perception of social and political changes, the research team asked questions about: political effectiveness and political participation, political trust, evaluation of the electoral process, perceptions and evaluation of environmental issues, civil rights and obligations, the household's economy and financial situation. To achieve comparability with other citizen surveys conducted at Uppsala University in Sweden and at six other European universities, the modules were similar to their questions in structure and wording. A second survey was conducted in all three Baltic countries in 2001. A third survey with slightly modified question modules was conducted simultaneously in Poland.